Can Industry Proprietary Products OEM
Only Somec manufactures and services the industry standard test equipment popularly referred to as the Borden Air Pocket Testers, designed for high speed air pressure testing. Combined with our OEM parts for a variety of work-horse canning machines we help keep many can lines around the world up and running.

Borden Air Pocket Tester &
Borden End Tester – OEM Parts
Somec is the OEM parts provider for any Borden Tester in use around the world. Our testers are designed for high-speed air pressure testing of a wide variety of can sizes and container types, such as food, beverage, and aerosol. They automatically reject leaking or faulty cans.
As the owners of the entire catalogue of OEM part drawings we have direct access to any Borden part you may need, with most replacement parts already stocked on our shelves. Call us for more on our complete inventory.
Callahan Equipment - OEM Parts
Somec provides OEM replacement parts for our Callahan equipment, including multi-die press equipment for crown cap and end production, as well as semi-automatic, single-head seamers. Our Callahan OEM replacement parts includes part for everything from small bench model seamers to large high-speed production presses, as well as specialty water testers, shower-head compound lining machines, and irregular-shaped flangers. The Callahan line was built to last and Somec is committed to providing replacement parts for these excellent machines.